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    Re: Faraday cage
    From: Bruce J. Pennino
    Date: 2017 Sep 9, 09:22 -0400
    Dog wants to go navigate? Friend next door? Have a good day!
    Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2017 1:08 AM
    Subject: [NavList] Faraday cage

    The suggestion of shielding a GPS in a Faraday cage comes up here frequently. So I would like to tap into the knowledge of our shielding experts.

    I have an electronic dog fence all around the property to prevent the dog from leaving it. (The kind that emits a radio signal for a receiver on the dog's collar). But I would like to leave a section open to enable the dog to pass through it. So I tried to shield 12 feet of wire with steel pipe and grounded it.That has absolutely NO effect. Zero. Why?.

    Herbert Prinz

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