A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David Pike
Date: 2018 Jan 14, 05:00 -0800
I was re-reading my A12 operating instructions, and I was wondering how you used yours at night. They recommend using direct observations at night, because of the difficulties in identifying the correct star using the indirect (look down) method. However, I would have thought the indirect method would have allowed higher stars to be seen through cockpit windows from a more comfortable position e.g. Altair at 44 degrees while seated. Which method do you use?
Also, I’m assuming you must be using HO249 Vol 3 Lats 40-89, Decs 0-29, and not Vol 1, Selected Stars, which would allow you to stick with just GHA Aries and assumed longitude to get LHA Aries and not have to bother with SHA star to get LHA Star. Not withstanding the fact that it might not include a star you can see, Vol 1 saves a lot of time, and it’s still genuine ‘ye olde’. DaveP