A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Floating-Point 4-place Nat-Haversine Table
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2018 Dec 21, 11:45 -0800
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2018 Dec 21, 11:45 -0800
Dear Roger,
Thank you for graphing this "quantisation noise" - I've already asked whether we need this uneven spread of [in]accuracy in the table. I thought about making the table 5-places within the 37°~143° range. And may be we could also have less places nearer to egdes? This will make the table equally inaccurate everywhere - at the cost of having greater relative error for smaller angles. I do not know which is worse...
Please comment.
Warm regards,
60°N 30°E