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    Found sextant at local curiosity shop...
    From: Thomas Klausen
    Date: 2019 Dec 17, 19:13 -0800

    Did I just waste $255, or does this have the potential to be a decent purchase?

    First time poster, but I've been interested in celestial navigation for a while - got the plastic Mark 3 and toyed around with it for a while.

    Our local (Redondo Beach, CA) store with old neon signs and weird memorabilia had an interesting-looking box, I opened the box, and found the attached. Seemed to be one of those use-it-or-lose-it moments, so I checked that all the bits and pieces were there and worked smoothly, everything seemed fine to my inexpert eye, and I put down the money. Battery compartment opens and appears uncorroded, haven't tested the light. The name on front is that of a local yachtsman and circumnavigator who passed a few years back.

    Did I blow it, or does this have potential beyond decorative? And how do I find out - do I need to have the instrument recalibrated or serviced?

    Very best regards, and thanks in advance for any and all help & advice

    Thomas Klausen



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