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    Re: Full moon sights and lifeboat sextant accuracy
    From: Hewitt Schlereth
    Date: 2017 Oct 4, 19:00 -0700
    Jing, here are the intercepts I got on Sunday October 1 with a Davis Mk. 3. The technique I used was to set the sun a little above the horizon and wait for it to graze the horizon.


    San Diego CA

    On Oct 4, 2017, at 4:08 PM, Jing C <NoReply_JingC@fer3.com> wrote:

    I was doing sights of the sun and moon on a dock yesterday, using a Davis Mk3 "lifeboat" sextant and was about 26 miles off as compared to GPS. So I was curious, for people who have used that sextant before, what kind of accuracies were you able to obtain?

    Also, I vaguely remember reading somewhere that taking sights of a full moon (as opposed to a crescent moon) was not recommended as it for some reason decreased accuracy. I can't seem to find a reference anywhere to this, does anyone know if this is true, and why?

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