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    Re: G Shock Signal Reception
    From: Lu Abel
    Date: 2014 Jun 30, 12:10 -0700
    My experience with "atomic" clocks (really, ones that synchronize to WWVB) is that they are very hit-or-miss in signal reception ability.
    At home (San Francisco area), I have a great digital clock picked up for $6.00 at a local electronics superstore.  Sits on a bookshelf and seems to synchronize every night without difficulty.
    On the other hand, I do some support work for a non-profit pre-school.   They bought (from a catalog) some "atomic" wall clocks.  About half simply would not synchronize, even when I left them out-of-doors for a week.  
    All made in China.  As an electrical engineer, I wonder about the quality of the receiver design, especially because of the faint signal from WWVB.  
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