A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: G-Capt on Celestial Nav in the commercial world.
From: Lu Abel
Date: 2016 May 12, 10:17 -0700
From: Lu Abel
Date: 2016 May 12, 10:17 -0700
If you actually read this piece, you discover that it an opinion piece, not a factual article. In it the author says "it is possible to experience a double failure [of the required two totally independent ECDIS charting systems]" -- but then gives NO specific examples of where/when/how such an event actually occurred. Also he's confusing a computerized charting program with GPS. While commercial (ECDIS) charting systems have GPS integrated directly into them, what's better if both ECDIS systems go down -- a sextant or a simple, hand-held GPS?? As always, a good navigator uses ALL possible sources of information. But at the same time, this author's logic is the same as saying that all ships should be equipped with masts and sails because "it is possible to experience an engine failure."