A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2021 Apr 15, 10:00 -0700
Today the GHA of the Sun matches the hours elapsed since Greenwich noon multiplied by 15. The time is now 16:48 UT. That's 4.8 hours after Greenwich noon. Multiplied by 15 yields 72.00° exactly, which is the longitude of Noank, Connecticut (just south of Mystic Seaport Museum). That means it's exactly local apparent noon there, of course. And it was local noon here on Conanicut Island shortly before then (you wouldn't guess it ...overcast with heavy rain coming).
Another way of saying this is that the equation of time goes to zero today. It's not exactly zero all day but it's close. It looks like the instant when the equation of time was exactly zero was around 11:04 UT this morning. The Sun has finally woken up and caught up with mean time clocks after its February slumber. And it's over-shooting... Already by 1800 UT, the Sun will be ahead of itself by about a minute of longitude. The Sun is now fast.
Frank Reed