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    Re: GMT from Lunar Photo
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2022 Jan 7, 12:24 -0800

    re : http://fer3.com/arc/m2.aspx/GMT-from-Lunar-Photo-FrankReed-jan-2022-g51865


    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Let's go with HD 202284 which can be found here in SIMBAD.

    (1) - From the data given here, and assuming that they would be correct,  I am deriving the following result :

    GMT = 01h10m49.1s, with Moon LL = 15°46.3' / 231.3° and Star at 15°53.3' / 231.7° , which is quite consistent with both the "picture horizon" and your own results (01:11:15 UT +/- 15 seconds) given than there is certainly some measurement error in my own data .

    You then certainly nailed it !

    (2) - An independent check would be to do the same for the 1 o'clock start being [almost] occulted.

    Would you be so kind as to indicate to me its ID and I will see what I am getting for occultation time. This will give us a very useful comparisation with UT dervived here-above.

    Thanks in advance for this extra data and thanks for this lunar Drill.


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