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    Re: GPS Anti Spoof app update
    From: Bruce Cutting
    Date: 2019 Apr 2, 14:11 -0600

    Did you try replacing the SIM card - Australia uses GSM and if the phone
    is not network locked, it may work at your location provided you pick a
    GSM provider
    On Tue, April 2, 2019 12:01, John D. Howard wrote:
    > Steve,
    > Yes, any Android smart phone with WIFI will work.  When on vacation in
    > Australia I bought a phone in Sydney.  Returning to the US the phone did
    > now work, as a phone, but still had WIFI.  Went to our local library that
    > has public hot spot and downloaded many apps, including Frank's great
    > Anti-Spoof.
    > You will need to set up an account on the Play Store, even for free apps.
    > Once done you are good to go.
    > My cell phone that I use is an old, dumb flip phone but I also have the (
    > no phone service ) smart phone with a lot of cel-nav apps on it. John H.
    > 41N  100W

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