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    Re: GPS for chickens and spinach
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2019 Feb 25, 07:03 -0800

    I discussed this with my dentist this morning (whilst I could still talk!).  With the increasing reduction in decay work following the exposure to fluoridation of water from birth, removing micro GPS chips from between patient’s teeth should provide a useful supplement to dentist’s income.

    Mark Coady you said: ....and I do wonder what other visual observations may be used, including celestial bodies.

    You might be interested in this article re Animal Navigation
    https://cdn.ymaws.com/rin.org.uk/resource/resmgr/nav_news_previews_and_covers/NN_free_JanFeb19.pdf   by David Barrie.  David previously produced an book titled ‘Sextant – A Voyage Guided by the Stars and the Men Who Mapped the Worlds Oceans’ in 2014.  .  Mrs P and I have long felt that Animal Navigation is an area we ought to learn more of.  Therefore we’ll be attending the Animal Navigation Conference mentioned at the end of the article.  Royal Holloway College is I believe a beautiful building, especially in the spring.  DaveP

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