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    Re: GPS jamming concerns
    From: Gary LaPook
    Date: 2016 Aug 9, 14:06 -0700

    Wig-wag was a system used by the army in the 19th century ashore. Semaphore was used by the navy in more recent times, completely different systems. You can also use the International Code of Signals, all those flags that are used these days to decorate boats, they are actually supposed to be used for communications. Get out your copy of HO 102, or you can download it for free at :


    When sailing in pirate waters fly SIERRA-QUEBEC-ONE meaning:

    "You should stop or heave to, otherwise I will open fire on you." That  gives fair warning before you open up with your Barrett 50 cal.

    If you go to a Red Lobster restuarant you will find some of them on the walls e.g, Echo-alpha- tango. I always like to read them off to the waitresses, none of them have any idea of what they mean.



    Re: GPS jamming concerns
    From: Lu Abel
    Date: 2016 Aug 9, 19:48 +0000

    So, Rommel, I suppose you have your boat crew in using wig-wag signal flags because you distrust your VHF radio and your crew is also trained in using a lead-line for soundings because electronic depth sounders can't be trusted.   Whoops, and their trained in using knot-logs since electronic knotmeters also fall under this concern?


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