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    Re: GPS spoofing for real
    From: Mark Coady
    Date: 2017 Aug 13, 09:36 -0700

    I was curious at the negative thoughts toward recreation of LORAN.  

    I admit I was upset and biased agianst its demise from decades of use for sailing and fishing. "Fishing the 600 line" means lots coordinating between vessels off a paper chart.   I realize that this is a poor basis for national new expenditures of countless dollars.

     I liked it as a primary/backup.    I admit, even in later days with ASF factors, LORAN was less accurate than GPS, but those of us who had dutifully kept logs did pretty well with repeatability.  I always seemed to find the same mark in pea soup fog out of my own coordinate log book.

    If I might ask for commentary on the following, as my knowledge does not give me the technical basis to accept or reject the explanation:

     I was led to believe GPS is a very low power signal.  LORAN being an earth based long wave platform, I was told it is higher broadcast energy and harder to jam or spoof.  If spoofing and jamming are a reality, then any satellite system might have similar vulnerabilty?   Is Loran harder to jam or modify due to wave character, or was this fiction?

    Is a landbased long wave of higher broadcast energy really any better agianst the giant solar flare RF interference doomsday scenario where we lose gps at some point. Or to a megavolcanic eruption (E.G. a Krakatoa or Thera)  that fills the upper atmosphere with junk. I realize these are low probability, but at least potential events.

    On the water I always maintain the ability to navigate by non electronic methods, but I understand many now do not.

    A backup would certainly be nice.

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