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    Re: Golden Globe Race Navigation
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2016 Dec 29, 11:16 -0800

    Greg Rudzinski, you wrote:
    "2. Two Hamilton chronometers or Russian equivalent (expensive hard to find budget busters). The quartz watch will be missed. I would lobby let the fleet go modern here."

    Yes, I agree. Unless they can get regular radio time checks, this is a serious problem. Alternatively, do it with Noon Sun and dead reckoning only! The Atlantic is like a slalom course of island gates. That's do-able without longitude. And most of the rest is along nearly constant latitude tracks with few dangers. The only misson-critical longitude that I can see is on the approach to Cape Horn. Maybe approaching Tasmania, too, but that's a big enough target...

    You suggested pub.249 for sight reduction. Definitely a good choice. It's interesting to note that their rules as written exclude 229 since they were published after 1968! I can imagine this becoming an issue. Pub. 229 is most certainly anachronistic, but if someone sailed the globe using those tables, would they toss them out on a technicality?! I would surely argue that those tables don't violate the spirit of the race, but it's the sort of decision that would be nice to see in advance. 

    Frank Reed

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