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    Re: Great Circle Course via calculator & HO 208
    From: Francis Upchurch
    Date: 2016 Oct 27, 15:58 +0100

    Dreaming of visiting Mystic Seaport for a Frank course and more (my sister in Boston, haven't been for 10 years, recently not well enough  to fly, but who cares? Life is short.).

    Just did GC from Penzance to Mystic with my Bygrave, took a couple of minutes, gave 2724 nm at initial  course 285°. It was so easy to cross the pond by Bygrave! Google has a nice picture (see attached), but says 3149 miles . Oh dear, who to believe? Then I realised they use statute miles, not nm as per 1'=1nm ZD on the Bygrave. So we are both correct.

    Unless I sail over on my boat (would love to, but  I've probably left that a bit late!), I will have to add a 600 mile (statute) round trip to London for a flight to Boston. If I ever sailed over, it would probably not be along the GC course which would be mostly prevailing westerly’s on the nose all the way! I’d probably go the cowards southerly route which would be a lot longer, but a lot more comfortable.

    Oh well, dream on!



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