A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Alan S
Date: 2014 Feb 6, 11:52 -0800
I supose the difference you mentioned lies in the following, as things are today.
While the USCG requires Celestial Navigation for licensing, I do not know to what depth their requirement goes, in most cases, old fashioned sextant shots are a thing of the past, all is electronics today. Isn't that the case? I cannot say.
In any case Celestial Navigation, a hobby interest for me, as I ptactice it, now and then while standing on the beach, or mostly with an artificial horizon in the parking area of our residence amounts to doing something that I persoally find inteeresting, not something that some distant authority tells me I'm required to know something of.
Think the foregog might be a factor?
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