A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Gyro sextant
From: Paul Brewer
Date: 2019 Jan 25, 14:41 -0800
From: Paul Brewer
Date: 2019 Jan 25, 14:41 -0800
Be interesting to see what you find. I will not risk myself in the shed for now.
I have somewhere some original Kriegsmarine paperwork on these instruments and I thought I remembered the revs as several thousand. It is a fairly heavy rotor so maybe that is what keeps it going long enough to climb a ladder. As someone mentioned, what happens if the rotor hits the casing? I only spun mine up a few times and then it was sitting on a stand. It would take a sturdy Matelot to hold one of thos things.