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    Re: HO 211 (Ageton) sight reduction accuracy
    From: Robert VanderPol II
    Date: 2016 Jun 15, 14:41 -0700


    I see you point about non-uniform tabulation.  I was thinking about it from the perspective of a lookup table like I would use in Excel which is what I mostly use instead of a programing perspective, where yes it would be lot's harder.

    The point of the graphs I was suggesting is to better determine when to use Sadler's technique or when to discard observations.  In Bayless there is a graph that indicates when to use Sadler but the narrative admits the criteria for deciding is a bit arbitrary.  I have been trying to think of ways to improve that graph.

    You indicate that for 0.5o tabulation, t<82o and >98o and dec less than 75o max error is 2.9'.  Should that read t or K?  82o>K<98o is what recieves the caution in Ageton, Pepperday and Bayless as I recall.

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