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    Re: HO 211 (Ageton) sight reduction accuracy
    From: Michalis Vaidanis
    Date: 2023 Oct 11, 07:56 -0700

    Dear Paul (Hirose),

    I geeked out and summarized, hopefully correctly, your original and compact Ageton Monte Carlo test results in a spreadsheet (omitting those for a tabulation interval of 2'). If I have understood right, the main conclusions are:

    ·      Increasing the tabulation interval (e.g. from 1' to 0.5') improves accuracy,

    ·      Increasing the danger zone limits (e.g. from K<±5º to K<±8º of 90º) increases the calculation workload with no significant improvement in accuracy,

    ·      Optimum use of Sadler is for a danger zone of K<±2-3º of 90º,

    ·      Increasing the tabulated values with decimals from <6º to <36º  improves accuracy,

    ·      t (LHA) is a good criterion of the danger zone (instead of K that has to be calculated) only for the use of interpolation but not for the use of Sadler,

    ·      Rejecting sights in the danger zone significantly improves accuracy,

    ·      Restricting Dec to <75º (in which case all navigational stars are included) improves accuracy,

    ·      The worst azimuth errors occur at high Hc.

    For the original Ageton the statistics you have provided are comprehensive. I would like to ask, however, provided you have the time and interest, some statistics for the following cases of the Bayless/Ageton table:

    A.    Use of Sadler for K<±3º

    1.     Dec<90º/decimals for <37º 25'

    2.     Dec<90º/no use of decimals at all

    3.     Dec<75º/decimals for <37º 25'

    4.     Dec<75º/no use of decimals at all

    B.    Use of Sadler for K<±2º:

    1.     Dec<90º/decimals for <37º 25'

    2.     Dec<90º/no use of decimals at all

    3.     Dec<75º/decimals for <37º 25'

    4.     Dec<75º/no use of decimals at all

    “decimals for <37º 25'” refers to a potential modification of the Bayless/Ageton table, in which the decimal values would be extended beyond 5º, up to the angle where B changes from 9999 to 10000.

    Also, do you have any indication how would the accuracy be affected if Ho was extended below 5º, say down to -1º?



    Michalis Vaidanis

    38ºN 024ºE

    Linked File: https://NavList.net/imgx/Ageton-Ageton-Bayless-Statistics-(Paul-Hirose-NavList).xlsx
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