A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Greg Rudzinski
Date: 2016 Dec 31, 12:22 -0800
>Do you have any knowledge or experience of the Russian copies like MOLNIJA which are on ebay for 30-40$ Also, a while back you discussed the US airplane 8 day clock as recommended by Letcher?
>I would also take HO 208 and Fletcher ,+ Hewitt’s commonsense to get me out of left field problems. (is Doniol allowed? Recent but based on pre 1960s knowledge?)
I have no experience with Russian chronometers :( The aircraft 8 day clocks are accurate (2-10 sec. per day) but are irregular on the daily rate so limited as a marine chronometer. The railroad pocket watches look to be the way to go for retro navigating because they are designed to keep a constant daily rate and are readily available (enough on ebay to supply a fleet of 30 boats). For an around the world race it would be prudent to have two of everything critical. For skippers sellecting a 32 ft. sailing vessel the options are limited to small and light which means probably switching to Pub 208, Weem's Line of Position, and or Ageton short tables for sight reduction with 5 place trig log tables as the back-up. Pub 229 and anything published after 1969 would require a waiver from the race committee. The original Doniol as presented in 1955 using haversine and trig tables would be ok.
Greg Rudzinski