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    Re: Hardware store Xylene in A-12 bubble sextant?
    From: Geoffrey Kolbe
    Date: 2017 Oct 5, 22:52 -0700

    Jim Speedwell wrote:

    "And couldn’t you check for residue, by pouring the xyline into an open container and letting it to evaporate and then see if it left a film?"

    And if you do find residues, what do you do then? Your only recourse is to go and buy a bottle of high purity Xylene - as the manual said you should do in the first place. So now you have had to buy TWO bottles of Xylene to fill your bubble chamber and it has become a VERY expensive exercise. 

    The cheapest solution is to buy ONE bottle of the high purity Xylene, which you know will do the job.

    Geoffrey Kolbe

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