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    Re: Hc formula difference why?
    From: Mark Knudsen
    Date: 2017 Nov 29, 09:59 -0600
    I  think it is wonderfully you guys can navagate so accurately you can go over the Seas  or  land three thousand miles and pull up to a fence three barbs from the next post. For me unless it is for a science project I would be more than sastifed to use my sextant to be with in a couple miles of just the fence and have injured all the beautiful sites along the way realtor than have my nose in lookups from morning till night. Guess it is just what your purpose of Celestial Navigation is.

    On Nov 23, 2017 12:45 PM, "Herman Dekker" <NoReply_Dekker@fer3.com> wrote:

    Celestial friends,

    Thanks for the info. Just one formula.

    I know now I only have to remember

    Hc=arcSin(Cos Ldt+Sin Ld)            (ik write then of course   CosLdt is Cos L•Cos d•Cos t  etc.)
    if L and d are contrary use -d


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