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    Re: Help needed with old sextant readings
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2015 Jan 12, 02:00 -0800


    Niklas.  Perhaps some lateral thinking is required.
    Are the speech marks yours, or were they already there?  E.g could any of them be inches or seconds of time or arc?
    Were the original figures typed or hand written?  Was there anything else written which might give a clue, or were they on an otherwise blank scrap of paper?  In fact, can you send a photo?
    Which countries say 30.1.1964 and which say 1.30.1964?

    Are there any dashes on the 7s, slashes, accents, or funny little o s which might give a country?
    Is there any significance in the first four dates being Thursdays in January?  The fifth is nine days later.
    Why only integer values like sports scores?  If scientific I might have expected a few decimals.
    Are there any sports teams, transmitting aerials, ports, currencies, banks, letters on the sides of fishing boats etc which fall into a set including  BK, AX, HA, VA, HL, H, Mid?
    Is there some material such as candle wax, solder, chocolate which has stretchy boiling and freezing points?
    Is there any way you can make the Mid figure the mean of some of the earlier figures?
    Just a few thoughts to while away the witching hour.  Dave





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