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    Re: Henry Worsley, Antarctic adventurer
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2016 Jan 25, 21:42 -0500

    Hello Frank

    Sir Ernest Shackleton's granddaughter Alexandra said Mr Worsley's death would be a "huge loss to the adventuring world".

    Henry Worsley was an adventurer.  This is to be contrasted with Shackleton and Frank Worsley, who were clearly explorers. 

    I corresponded with both Alexandra and Henry very briefly, during my quest for all markings associated with Frank Worsley's most famous sextant. 

    RIP Henry. 


    On Jan 25, 2016 4:57 PM, "Frank Reed" <NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com> wrote:

    Since the Shackleton expedition and that famous navigator Frank Worsley have been discussed frequently here, I thought some of you might want to read about the death of Henry Worsley who fell ill just short of his goal of crossing Antarctica solo and died after being airlifted to Chile for treatment. This Worsley is described as a "distant relative" of Frank Worsley --not much more than having the same surname. Here's bbc.com's article

    Frank Reed
    Conanicut Island USA
    (a mere seven inches of snow here Saturday night... already less than five left)

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