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    Re: Ho 208 question
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2014 Feb 24, 20:29 -0500


    Shouldn't your LHA column be 359°60'?

    You are using 360° 60' (one degree too much)


    On Feb 24, 2014 11:12 AM, "Randall Morrow" <randall.f.morrow@kp.org> wrote:

    The results have improved for my use of Ho 208 but an ususual case is giveing me trouble.
    With a GHA of 478* 49.8 and assumed Lon of 118* 49.8 the LHA is 360 or zero.
    My circa 1940 .pdf does not have a zero LHA column. If I use 360*60.0' the results are way off. Plugging my sight data into the Ho 208 calculator called "Celestial Tools" I got an intercept of over 1000 miles.

    Sight data:
    Date 22 Feb
    Time 20-29-06 PDT
    ZD +8
    Hs 37*57.5 (Already corrected for AH use)
    SHA 258* 33.21
    GHA Aries 212* 58.5
    Ref. -1.3
    IC -0.4
    USNO reduction shows Hc 37*56.1 and intercept of 0.3

    As a post script, does anyone have a .pdf version of Ho 208 that has the extra column headings at the top and bottom for 90-180, 180-270 etc.?
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