A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Randall Morrow
Date: 2014 Feb 24, 12:56 -0800
Stan and Gary,
As always thank you both for your help.
It should have been PST, not PDT so plus 8 is correct.
Using USNO the intercept was 0.3 NM so the sight was very accurate.
I didn't have my almanac here but My GHA total DID include the increment value of 7* 17.7
It was indeed "fatfingers" when I keyed in my first mesage as the SHA I used was the 258* 33.1 valus.
I should add that I shot sights for Mirphak, Dubhe, Regulus Rigel and Aldebaran and each of these gave correct results in the Celestial Tools Ho 208 system.
In the "tools" entry I used my GPS location of 35* 19.4 N, 119* 05.5 W.
It had not occurred to me that the LHA of zero makes it a "noon" sight. Cool.
This is the only time out of 5067 sights that I got exactly that LHA.
Kind regards, Randy
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