A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Ho 208 question
From: Stan K
Date: 2014 Feb 24, 13:33 -0500
From: Stan K
Date: 2014 Feb 24, 13:33 -0500
I said I wasn't going to continue, but I realized I should have gone on to where you got an LHA of zero. In order to get this, you must have used the 29m06s increment. With the values of SHA Sirius, GHA Aries for 04h, and the GHA Aries increment for 29m06s, I get a total GHA of 118º49.3', a 0.5' variance from yours. In any case, using values to force an LHA of zero, and a dec of 16º44.5'S (from the Almanac), I concluded that your DR L is about 39º19.3'N. With that set of values it is clear there is a bug in the Celestial Tools H.O. 208 reduction, but it still seems that your sextant altitude is off. Are you sure the 37º shouldn't be 33º?
I said I wasn't going to continue, but I realized I should have gone on to where you got an LHA of zero. In order to get this, you must have used the 29m06s increment. With the values of SHA Sirius, GHA Aries for 04h, and the GHA Aries increment for 29m06s, I get a total GHA of 118º49.3', a 0.5' variance from yours. In any case, using values to force an LHA of zero, and a dec of 16º44.5'S (from the Almanac), I concluded that your DR L is about 39º19.3'N. With that set of values it is clear there is a bug in the Celestial Tools H.O. 208 reduction, but it still seems that your sextant altitude is off. Are you sure the 37º shouldn't be 33º?
-----Original Message-----
From: Randall Morrow <randall.f.morrow@kp.org>
To: slk1000 <slk1000@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Feb 24, 2014 11:12 am
Subject: [NavList] Ho 208 question
From: Randall Morrow <randall.f.morrow@kp.org>
To: slk1000 <slk1000@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Feb 24, 2014 11:12 am
Subject: [NavList] Ho 208 question
The results have improved for my use of Ho 208 but an ususual case is giveing me trouble.
With a GHA of 478* 49.8 and assumed Lon of 118* 49.8 the LHA is 360 or zero.
My circa 1940 .pdf does not have a zero LHA column. If I use 360*60.0' the results are way off. Plugging my sight data into the Ho 208 calculator called "Celestial Tools" I got an intercept of over 1000 miles.
With a GHA of 478* 49.8 and assumed Lon of 118* 49.8 the LHA is 360 or zero.
My circa 1940 .pdf does not have a zero LHA column. If I use 360*60.0' the results are way off. Plugging my sight data into the Ho 208 calculator called "Celestial Tools" I got an intercept of over 1000 miles.
Sight data:
Date 22 Feb
Time 20-29-06 PDT
ZD +8
Hs 37*57.5 (Already corrected for AH use)
SHA 258* 33.21
GHA Aries 212* 58.5
Ref. -1.3
IC -0.4
USNO reduction shows Hc 37*56.1 and intercept of 0.3
Date 22 Feb
Time 20-29-06 PDT
ZD +8
Hs 37*57.5 (Already corrected for AH use)
SHA 258* 33.21
GHA Aries 212* 58.5
Ref. -1.3
IC -0.4
USNO reduction shows Hc 37*56.1 and intercept of 0.3
As a post script, does anyone have a .pdf version of Ho 208 that has the extra column headings at the top and bottom for 90-180, 180-270 etc.?
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