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    Re: Homemade base for Astro Compass
    From: Bruce J. Pennino
    Date: 2014 Oct 2, 23:20 -0400
    Marty....really impressed with simplicity combined with effectiveness. Well done.


    Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 2:31 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Homemade base for Astro Compass

    Recently picked up an Astro Compass w/o base, and am learning to use it. It became apparent that a base was needed. So I made one, to use the unit in a freestanding mode. Made from a PVC 1 1/2" union and coupling, Mostly made with hand tools. A little lathe work to bore out the coupling slightly and trim some pieces. Put lead weight in base to make it stable and added the ability to mount it to a tripod I have. Not a permanent mount, but then I have no airplane to mount it in.

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