A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Peter Hakel
Date: 2019 Dec 23, 06:29 -0800
A particular implementation of this idea is described in my blog post:
from which I quote:
“The spreadsheet intercept.xls calculates several characteristics of this LOP. Besides the usual intercept and azimuth, it also gives its intersections with the AP’s parallel (cell F12) and meridian (cell F15). This information allows the quick plotting of the LOP simply by marking and connecting these two points. This technique will not work for LOPs that run close to the cardinal directions, but I believe that it is a good option to have available nonetheless.”
Of course, the above-mentioned limitation pertains only to this spreadsheet specifically (in its choice of the two points), not the "two-point" idea in general.
Peter Hakel