A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Robin Stuart
Date: 2017 Mar 1, 07:21 -0800
Frank points out the sickle of Leo as being prominent and there are many other constellations and asterisms that can serve as your sign posts around the sky. Some other constellations that look like what the represent are Scorpius, Hercules, the northern and southern crowns, Cygnus. Asterisms include the great square of Pegasus, the summer triangle and the circlet of Pisces nearby.
I take a more cynical view than Frank when it comes to Triangulum. Although it's easy to spot I think of it as the least imaginatively names of of all the constellations. It's a long thin triangle and to me it might as well have been called "3 stars not in a straight line"-um. Maybe my view is coloured with a southern bias. Triangulum Australe is at least something close to being isoceles,