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    Re: How to round?
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2019 Jun 14, 14:23 -0400

    I am certainly not a native Russian speaker, nor a Russian speaker of any kind whatsoever.  

    Your word on this sub-topic (noodles) is authoritative and easily overcomes any assertion I may make.  I was just trying to explain how I, however incorrectly, arrived at my conclusion.


    On Fri, Jun 14, 2019, 2:18 PM Tony Oz <NoReply_TonyOz@fer3.com> wrote:

    Dear Brad, I'm not hanging noodles on your ears (sic!) when I assure you NO Russian will ever say that THIS way. The phrase is ALWAYS used as EITHER a rejection by a listener addressed on a storyteller ("don't hang noodles"), OR a warning - from a by-stander towards a listener - that the storyteller is malicious ("he is hanging noodles on your ears"). There is no other usage scenario. Otherwise it WILL rise an eyebrow (like it already did).

    Besides, a "Moskovite" instead of a "Russian" has a tint of derogatory meaning, not exactly an insult but clearly in that direction.

    Warm regards,

    60°N 30°E

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