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    Re: Human Navigation book
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2016 May 15, 18:28 -0700

    Jackson, you wrote:
    "The Alzheimer's reference is just one tiny aspect of the book..."

    Well that's good. So it's only a tiny bit of bullshit. :)

    You added:
    "Please 'don't judge a book by its cover' " 

    Well of course not. I judged the text which you yourself quoted from the author's own website. Doesn't that count? But certainly if there's only a tiny bit of bullshit in it, then the rest of the book I am sure is wonderful. And I mean that! As I wrote in my previous message, "I don't suggest that there isn't value and enjoyable prose in this book." Could you describe some of the sections in the book that you did find valuable? And do you agree that claiming that using GPS causes Alzheimer's is nonsense (I sure hope so!)?

    Frank Reed

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