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    Re: Index mirror adjustment with offset mirror
    From: Bill B
    Date: 2014 Jan 15, 15:25 -0500

    On 1/15/2014 2:48 PM, Frank Reed wrote:
    > You also wrote:
    > "* It's not correct to use the top _edge_ of the dice. One must be
    > looking along the top plane."
    > I'm not sure I understand the distinction you're drawing here. You sight
    > in line with the top edge of the two objects. Do you mean that one
    > should not be sighting from "above" trying to get the top faces of the
    > two dice to appear aligned? If that's what you meant, then yes, that's
    > an important distinction. The goal is to get the two top edges to align
    > in a straight line when viewed from exactly the height of the dice above
    > the arc.
    With my front silvered Astra, I use Celestaire's brass cylinders or
    Legos that I have matched with micrometer (lapped if necessary). (Legos
    are lighter and smaller, so can be stashed for use on the water if
    needed.) I also constructed a vane the same height as the top of the
    objects placed on the arc. This allow me to be certain that I am level
    with the top of the objects without prairie dogging.

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