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    Re: It's Novelty Fix Time
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2025 Jan 10, 11:58 -0800

    Peter Hakel

    Thanks for doing that.  I did do a quick plot last night, but the cocked hat wasn't good enough to post.  I can do better.  I would have had a better cut with the Sun and Venus this PM, but with the Sun so low all day it seems make less chance of seeing Venus through the haze.  Also, all this jiggling usea up a lot of time.  I beginning to suspect that pushing all that current into the mounting to unfreeze the flap must begin to affect the calibration of the sextant, because it goes in cold and comes out quite hot.  You don't get it whilst flying because at 240kts IAS and -40C OAT, the airflow must take away all of the heat the current is producing.  DaveP

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