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    Re: James Caird replica voyage 1993
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 Oct 21, 05:19 -0700

    Michael Bradley, you wrote:
    "And congratulations on your well justified red carpet fame."

    Just a reminder for all reading along: the red carpet at this event was for the film-makers and their (surprisingly huge!) teams. The expedition and the discovery are now receding into history even only three years after they found Endurance. But the film has some potential, and the crews that worked on it were celebrating at the BFI event at Royal Festival Hall. It was entertaining during the intro credits as a huge roar would emerge from the audience when the name of each sub-unit of the production company appeared on-screen. :)

    But speaking of credit for discovery work, I promised Robin Stuart I would mention the Royal Institute of Navigation awards presented to him and Lars Bergman (both NavList members of long-standing), and also David Mearnes. This hasn't been mentioned anywhere in NavList messages that I can recall. Anyone have anything to relate? I'll post a link later today, but anyone else, please feel free!

    Michael B, you added:
    "My best recall of the museum ( last century ) is the heavy duty skidoo you could sit on in the 'cold room'."

    I missed that! I was focused on sextants and navigation stories, of course.

    Frank Reed
    Clockwork Mapping / ReedNavigation.com
    Conanicut Island USA

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