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    Re: Janet Taylor's "Principles of Navigation Simplified" (1837) on ebay
    From: Wolfgang Köberer
    Date: 2018 Apr 3, 11:12 -0700

    If you want to know more about Janet Taylor, you can read: Croucher, Rosalind and John Croucher, "Mistress of Science. The story of the remarkable Janet Taylor, pioneer of sea navigation", Stroud 2016 (20 £). John Croucher is professor of statistics at Macquarie University in Sydney, Rosalind Croucher is professor of law at the same institution and president of the Australian Human Rights Commission. John, who is a distant relative of Janet Taylor,  wrote one of his 4 PhD dissertations (he holds 4 PhDs) about her and the "Mariner's Calculator". As the only surviving instrument was sold to an unknown buyer and therefore has disappeared again a couple of years ago, they had a replica made by an English instrument maker. Unfortunately the description and picture are not clear enough, so it was impossible for me to figure out how it works when I visited them and held it in my hands (see photo attached).




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