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    Jus a Word of Introduction
    From: UNK
    Date: 2017 Aug 24, 04:35 -0700


    I am delighted to have stumbled across this forum.  On my last birthday (59th) my family surprised me with a 1946 Husan Company sextant.  Naturally, this has gotten my CelNav juices flowing in a most sanguine manor.  Althogh I have some knowledge of Ded Reckoning I am quite a novice with the sextant and, GHA, LHA, Dec, Hc, Ho and Zn.  Fortunately, someone has offered to be my "seadog" and has taken me under his wing.  However, his availability is not guaranteed, hence my presence here.  Please consider me a nautical sponge as I want to learn CelNav to where it becomes second nature and I can teach it to my progeny to teach theirs.

    I have many questions, but I can't really explain them yet.  It is said that here is no such thing as a stupid question.  Unfortunately, you will have to put up with my stupid questions until I can gain enough savvy to ask an intelligent one, eh?

    One other thing is I have some issues with my health and my memory.  Just thought you ought to know.  :)

    Looking forward to to this voyage.


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