A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Bob Goethe
Date: 2015 Apr 6, 07:30 -0700
Dear John, Gary, and others,
>>Many of the sight reduction tables used time units.... LHA...didn't become standard until after World War 2.<<
>>It is hard for us in the 21 st C. to get into our heads how different the 18 th and 19 th C navigators thought....The old timers thought GHA in terms of 4 hours, 27 minutes, and 13 seconds.<<
t="time". Hmmt! Seems obvious once you explain it, but it wasn't obvious to me at all for quite some time. As a monolingual English speaker, I kept struggling with the French I saw on Canadian boxes of breakfast cereal, looking for some word that Marc St. Hilaire might have used that started with a "t". I was pretty sure there was nothing in "céréales à teneur élevée en proteines et en fibres" that would be of any help.
But more than just explaining "t", per se, your resonses have been enormously thought provoking for me. Thank you very much!