A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: LOP's without DR Position
From: Bruce J. Pennino
Date: 2015 Feb 27, 13:20 -0500
From: Bruce J. Pennino
Date: 2015 Feb 27, 13:20 -0500
Hello: I’m going to use a subtitle – Position without St.
Hilaire (simultaneous equations)
I’ve stared at the figure in Page 101 in John Karl’s book (CN in
GPS Age) more time than I want to admit. This figure shows sighting two
bodies simultaneously and finding location. The equations are are on Page 102.
From my math background it seems to be a variation on simultaneous
equations: 2 equations/2 unknowns, 3 equations 3 unknowns, etc. I had the
thought a while back that the 50 minute daily shift of the moon could provide
another “known” piece of information. I then tried to use the equations and
develop a unique solution without iterative attempts . Could not do
it. Here is the simple thought: The person/ship is not
moving. I assume that latitude is known from a noon sight . But I think latitude
and even time could be unknown. I assume we have a watch (might be
incorrect) but we could use it as a time piece to plot Hs for the moon versus
time on two successive days.
If you plot the Hs of the moon on two successive days there is a 50 minute
(more or less) shift. At the same time on two days the Hs is generally
different. For example on day 2 when the moon is ascending, Hs is smaller
than at the same time on day 1. But there is a time on day 2 when the
increasing Hs curve (below the day 1 Hs curve) intersects the descending day 1
Hs curve and the day 2 curve Hs exceeds the day 1 plot of Hs. It
seemed to me the intersection point of the 2 curves ( a unique value of Hs at
that particular time) would ease a simultaneous solution by providing an
Hs and time(if watch is correct). I could not “make it work”, but it was
interesting. Basically it is algebraic manipulation of standard CN sight
reduction equations.
Regards to all.
From: John Karl
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 10:26 PM
Subject: [NavList] Re: LOP's without DR Position
Well, I thought of it myself while I was writing the book. Since it's a pretty obvious solution to the two-LOP problem, I can't be the first one to write it up.
The interesting obsevation is that it requires solutions to five equatioins, while computing St. Hilaire for a two-LOP fix requires four solutions of the same type equations, PLUS DRs, straight-line approxmations to the LOPs, and plotting. So the one extra equation yield a pretty good return...
And Kermit, Thanks for your note.
John K.