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    Re: A Lancaster Navigator's Logs and Charts Analysed
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2020 May 12, 16:29 -0700

    David Pike:

    I could only stay for half an hour, but I enjoyed your presentation! It's interesting how complicated the whole process was three-quarters of a century ago. They couldn't just cross the Channel, aim for Germany, and toss bombs out the door. :) I was especially impressed that you didn't just focus on the tech-y details and also spoke about the human side of the evidence: the short sleep schedule implied by the logs and the background of the surprisingly excellent penmanship. Good stuff!

    How was the experience for you? As I say, I couldn't stick around until the end. Did you get interesting questions? I assume that they recorded the whole thing, and they'll put in on youtube or similar soon enough. Please do post the link.

    Frank Reed

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