A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: John D. Howard
Date: 2017 Mar 9, 09:44 -0800
I don't know why, but I am still working on this.
Thinking about the data and how I do my LAN shots I figured that all data is not equal. The max Hs is probaly good - as Greg R. said the sun hung for about four minutes - but the time is not so good. Likewise, the two Hs that are the most time from LAN are good as far as time/Hs.
So, Hs = 41d 30.0' gives Ho = 41d 36.6' with Dec about 1700Z S 6d 56.6' gives Lat = N 41d 26.8'
So far so good. There were no equal Hs but the ones at 16:35:30 and 17:23:19 were the most time away from Lan and within 4' Hs. Using the time and Hs od the next shot I figured a rate/minute and using that number adjusted the time where both Ho equaled 41d 20' ie 16:35:46 Z and 17:20:28 Z.
Looking at the Dec, it moved north .6' in that time so I fudged the numbers to get LAN = 16:58 which gives Lon = W 71d 29.4'
Please oh please Frank give us the answer - stop the madness! ;-)
John H.