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    Re: Latitude and longitude around noon
    From: Örjan Sandström
    Date: 2017 Mar 30, 15:07 -0700

    Frank, could I get a link to a good step by step on the proper way?

    Off-topic below, waay off topic.
    Crystal radio, hmm, interesting.
    I have a few, everything from variometer made with cotton spun wire on phenolic with mineral detector and magnetic phones to top end modern DX with bifilar wound 170mm diam 660x46litz aircore coils and silverplated ceramic insulated variable capacitors for both ATU and floating detector unit.
    said detector unit with high end schottky detector followed by matching network and "big can" balanced armature soundpowered phones. The wavetrap is just 660x46 single strand and aluminium ceramic variable cap.

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