A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Sean C
Date: 2017 Mar 31, 15:59 -0700
Bill Ritchie, you wrote:
One surprise to me was that all the submitted longitudes were West of [Frank's] position...
Not all. If you look at my post here, you will notice that I suggested an additional longitude of 71°23.7' W. That's ever-so-slightly east of Frank's actual longitude of 71°23.9' W. I arrived at that longitude by doing what Brad Morris suggested in a recent post: looking at the photographs provided by Frank and trying to find a location with an unobstructed view towards the South.
You also wrote:
On the subject of cheating [...] you could have used the 24 feet height of eye information to advantage with Google Earth...
I actually did this as well. I moved the cursor around until I found a spot that was also close to about 18 feet ASL (allowing about 6 feet for Frank's height). The actual position I ended up with was 41°27.173' N, 71°23.690' W, but I rounded that to 23.7' W. I find it funny that you referred to these techniques as "cheating" because that's exactly what I said. ;)
Sean C.