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    Re: Latitude by two stars observed simultaneously
    From: Peter Monta
    Date: 2017 Dec 23, 16:20 -0800
    Hi Frank,

    Do you have this image in a higher-quality format?  I'd be happy to have a go at it with the plate-solver tools (SCAMP from astromatic.net, which is free and open-source).  It will jointly estimate the lens distortion along with position and orientation.

    I could try with the existing image, but the stars are a bit undersampled---higher resolution would probably improve them.  Also JPEG is not exactly helping.

    Incidentally, I wonder if this image is a composite.  The stars are not trailed, so I imagine the camera was on a tracking mount, unless the exposure was very short.  But the background is also sharp---it might have been taken separately and composited in.  Shouldn't matter for the latitude computation, I guess, provided the camera orientation was kept exactly the same for the two exposures.


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