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    Re: Leap second tonight
    From: Fred Hebard
    Date: 2015 Jun 30, 18:11 -0400
    Oh no, Richard says there will be another attempt to eliminate leap seconds in November!  

    Fred Hebard

    On Jun 30, 2015, at 5:36 PM, Frank Reed <NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com> wrote:

    Tonight we break the sexagesimal counting system which has been with us, like it or not, since the days of the ancient Babylonians. A minute of arc could never have 61 seconds of arc in it. Wouldn't be proper! But a minute of time... well that's a different story. Tonight just before midnight UTC (just before 8:00 pm Eastern Time), the last minute of the hour will be 61 seconds long. Ancient Babylonian scribes will roll over sixty-one times in their ancient Babylonian graves... Ha ha.

    Some of you might also enjoy Richard Langley's article on the event.

    Frank Reed

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