A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Roger Harris
Date: 2014 Mar 19, 06:53 -0700
I suggested to David Goodchild that he consider republishing a high quality (i.e., sturdily-bound, legible, error-free and complete!) hard copy of Wrinkles in Practical Navigation. Here is his reply:
"I am looking in to it, though the earlier celestial books are not too popular today. Do you think there would be a market for a few copies? Would Ocean Navigator be a good ad venue? I do like to have a thorough representation of all nautical literature in my list, but it is a bit big of course. It would have to be a 2-volume work and we price these at $49.95 for the set."
So, my questions:
(1) would you be interested in purchasing a hard copy of Wrinkles?
(2) if so, do you have a preference for a particular edition?
P.S. If you're unfamiliar with David Goodchild's "Shellback Library" books, see generally the YouTube title "The Cruise of the Kate -"
Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Mr. Goodchild or his business.
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