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    Re: Leg 56
    From: Ed Falk
    Date: 1999 Jul 15, 17:21 EDT

    > My problem with these multi-day legs is that I've always worked out
    > shorter leg DR problems graphically on a chart.  I can now easily
    > generate charts for anywhere in the world thanks to the chart plotting
    > software this group has led me to, but the scale isn't large enough to
    > work out the solution graphically.  Are you using some sort of distance
    > formula or a table somewhere (or a Nav. calculator) to arrive at the DR
    > position.  I've only done day-long coastal cruises but I always figured
    > you would still work out DR positions over a shorter elapsed time, if
    > for no other reason then that the wind conditions would vary enough to
    > give different cruising speeds and even headings.
    > I'm not complaining, mind you, just that I could use some help in
    > working the long-leg DR problems.  What's the trick?
    I'd like to know that too.  I sometimes do it graphically
    on a makeshift chart, and sometimes mathematically using
    crude trig, but afterwards, I have to skip ahead to the answers
    and use the official DR solution to finish the problems.
            -ed falk

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