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    Re: Life on the Ocean
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2019 Jan 14, 12:13 -0500
    Hi Luc

    It could be possible its a niche.

    Why would they carve the straps for the bag, its handle up top and the nail its hanging off of?  That would be quite the inset into that beam, thoroughly weakening it.  Zoom in to see the details


    On Mon, Jan 14, 2019, 12:02 PM Luc Van den Borre <NoReply_LucVandenBorre@fer3.com wrote:

    On 14/01/2019 17:01, Robin Stuart wrote:
    > What is might be in the semi-circular case hanging beside the quadrant
    > on the beam to the left?
    I see it the other way - as an alcove dug into the beam, rather than a
    case hanging from it. Perhaps the 'A' shape and the placement of the
    other octant next to it suggest that it is the storage space for the
    octant on the floor?

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