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    Re: Lifeboat sextant instruction booklet
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2014 Jan 20, 12:11 -0800

    On New Year's Eve, I noticed an ebay auction for a little booklet published in 1944 on the use of a "Lifeboat Sextant". I posted a message saying:
    "I could not find a copy online. Does anyone here own a hard copy? Could you scan it for us? I'm sure there's nothing new here, but it's always interesting to see these "minimalist" instructions in celestial navigation. Or perhaps someone could buy it for me as a New Year's present, and then I will scan it for the community."

    On New Year's Day, I wrote:
    "Someone has purchased the copy that was for sale on ebay. Let's wait to see if it turns up in the hands of a NavList member in the next couple of weeks. :)"

    And some generous, anonymous NavList member took me up on my "present" suggestion. It arrived in the mail a few days ago. Thank you, thank you! I am in the process of scanning it now and I should have the complete booklet available for everyone in a day or two. I'm including a scan of the first page as a teaser. I've read it through, and it's a very nice summary of "instant" celestial navigation.

    Thanks again to the anonymous donor. And also thanks again to Robert Eno for offering to scan his copy.


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