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    Lindbergh-Weems Second-Setting Pilot's Watch -Updated Paper
    From: Ed Popko
    Date: 2021 Nov 12, 14:11 -0800

    I have updated the Lindbergh-Weems Pilot's Watch paper originally posted on NavList in 2018.

    Updates include:

    - expanded section on time keeping conventions
    - examples include simulator analysis of actual production watches
    - simulator graphics approximate production watch dials, details, colors, fonts and font orientation
    - proper minute and second symbols
    - updated bibliography

    I would like to recognize Brad Morris and Robin Stuart for their encouragement and comments while preparing versions of this paper. Their comments greatly improved the paper’s clarity and accuracy. Thanks to both of them.  NavList posts by Gary LaPook and Paul Dolkas started the Lindbergh-Weems watch discussion (see the Bibliography for specific references). Their posts inspired me to look closer and write a simulator to study how the watch works. I want to thank them for the head start they gave me. Like any technical write-up, there’s always the possibility of errors. Any errors in this document are strictly mine.

    Ed Popko


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